5 Ways To Get Used To Wearing Full Dentures

Moving to full dentures can be a daunting experience. This is especially true if you still have several natural teeth remaining, albeit damaged or worn ones. Some patients worry that they might not like wearing full dentures. But although you do need to take some time to get used to wearing full dentures, full dentures are better than having few or no teeth at all.

If you are planning to invest in some full dentures, then the following tips can help you to adjust to your new dentures quickly.

1. Read aloud each day

Speaking in full dentures will feel strange at first because your mouth isn't used to having a foreign object inside it. Because of that, you will struggle to speak clearly at first. This is normal for most patients who transition to full dentures. To get used to speaking as soon as possible, read aloud as often as you can throughout the day. This will give your tongue, teeth, and lips a chance to adjust.

2. Prepare for an increased salivary flow

When you place food in your mouth, your mouth reacts by producing saliva, which helps to digest that food. However, your mouth may also react to your full dentures by producing more saliva. This can be challenging if your job requires you to interact with others and speak. Practice swallowing more and drinking water more to keep the saliva in your mouth at a low level.

3. Take care when eating

Eating in full dentures can be very challenging at first. Initially, your gums will be sore. So, avoid hard foods because these will cause discomfort, and avoid eating spicy foods, as these will irritate your sore gums. And until you get used to chewing with your dentures, cut your food into small pieces. Eventually, you can eat larger pieces of food as you get used to chewing.

4. Get used to readjusting your dentures

Initially, your dentures will come loose quite often. Your mouth won't be used to full dentures at first. So be prepared to manually readjust and reposition your dentures often.

5. See your denturist for readjustments if necessary

In the first few weeks after getting dentures, it's normal for patients to see their denturist for readjustments to their denture's size and shape, etc. If your dentures don't feel comfortable, see your denturist so that they can make the necessary adjustments.

Getting used to wearing full dentures will take you a few weeks. But you can help to speed up and to simplify the process by following these tips.

Contact a denture clinic for more information about full denture treatment
